
Post 2: The Sustainable Development Goals

The goals of sustainable development:   (VectorStock, n.d.) 1-  No  Poverty: Poverty is not just a lack of material income, but rather results in hunger, malnutrition, and the inability to obtain an education. Therefore, economic growth must be inclusive of all segments of society. 2-  Zero Hunger: This goal aims to end hunger by 2030 by doubling agricultural productivity and improving the land, soil, and seed genetic diversity. 3-  Good  H ealth  A nd  W ell-being: This goal aims to put an end to the mortality rate by 2030 for newborns and children under the age of five that can be avoided, and to put an end to epidemics and diseases by providing essential medicines and vaccines. 4-  Quality  E ducation: This goal aims to provide opportunities for modern learning for all, provide it free of charge for all ages and groups, and ensure that they receive adequate education in early childhood. 5-  Gender  E quality: This goal aims to put an end to gender discrimination, empower women in al

Post 4: The progress of Life on Land

  Progress in achieving goal 15: 1/   The area of forests subject to certification has increased or remained stable globally  and in most regions,  as well as the proportion of forests in protected areas or under long-term management plans, and above-ground forest biomass per hectare. ( United Nations, n.d.). 2 /  Preventing  the introduction of invasive alien species has been discovered to be the most cost-effective way to address their effects. Governments are responding. Almost all nations (98 percent) now have national legislation in place to prevent or regulate invasive alien species, but the legislation's sectoral scope varies greatly.  The majority of  nations (92 percent and 82 percent, respectively) have laws governing plant and animal health in agriculture, but fewer have laws governing the environment (42 percent) or fisheries and aquaculture (27 percent).   ( United Nations, n.d.).     (         ( Anyflip, n.d.)                   Reference(s): -   United Nations. (n.d.)

Post 3: Life on land

Meaning of  Goal 15: life on land: The mission of the goal is to focus on the environmental issues which are to protect, restore and promote sustainable rules of terrestrial ecosystems these rules will help manage forests sustainably, battle desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss, and   take an immediate action to address climate change. (United Nations, n.d.). - promoting life on land using better resources is an objective of the ISO standards.   “the two-part series ISO 14055, Environmental management – Guidelines for establishing good practices for combatting land degradation and desertification, is a welcome addition to the ISO 14000 family of standards for environmental management.” (ISO, n.d.). (Linkedin, n.d.)        The importance of  this goal: Nature is essential to our life since it provides resources like; food, fiber, and oxygen and controls our weather patterns and crops pollination. But the burden on it is becoming worse. It was disco

Post 5: Organizations and Companies

The organizations/companies that have worked on achieving goal 15: 1/ Sabic: S abic  helped Sirc set up the first chemical recycling project to enable the use of recycled plastic raw materials .  ( Michael , 2021) . 2/  Aramco: ‎ ‏ The Company is adopting and implementing energy consumption techniques and practices at the company level to reduce energy consumption in buildings and transportation. The quality of improving energy efficiency in Saudi Aramco aims to reduce energy consumption in the company's facilities, design new energy-saving facilities and raise energy efficiency in general. ‎ ‏ In 2020, the company implemented more than 200 energy initiatives in its various facilities deployed inside the kingdom and saved an estimated 13.2,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day .  (Aramco , n.d. ). Reference(s): - Michael, H. (2021)   SABIC, SIRC Join Hands to Realize Saudi Vision 2030 Objective of Circular Economy .   FRPT - Global Chemical Snapshot .  p5-6. 2p. -  Aramco . (n.d.)  S

Post 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development

An Introduction To Sustainable Development : -According to Sachs (2015) “Sustainable   development is a central concept for our age. It is both a way of understanding the world and a method for solving global problems. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will guide the world’s economic diplomacy in the coming generation.”           (TEC Ambiente, n.d.) The three pillars of Sustainable Development: -The three pillars of sustainable development consist of economic, environmental ,  and social sustainability. 1-Starting with economic sustainability, one of the main goals of sustainable development is to maintain strong and steady rates of economic growth. It is not a choice to stop economic growth. Sustainable development, however, entails more than just economic expansion. Along with quantity, quality of growth is important. (Doane and MacGillivray, 2001). 2-Moving on to our second pillar, Environmental Sustainability itself, aims to increase human  well-being  by safeguarding the raw m