Post 2: The Sustainable Development Goals

The goals of sustainable development: 

(VectorStock, n.d.)

1- No Poverty: Poverty is not just a lack of material income, but rather results in hunger, malnutrition, and the inability to obtain an education. Therefore, economic growth must be inclusive of all segments of society.

2- Zero Hunger: This goal aims to end hunger by 2030 by doubling agricultural productivity and improving the land, soil, and seed genetic diversity.

3- Good Health And Well-being: This goal aims to put an end to the mortality rate by 2030 for newborns and children under the age of five that can be avoided, and to put an end to epidemics and diseases by providing essential medicines and vaccines.

4- Quality Education: This goal aims to provide opportunities for modern learning for all, provide it free of charge for all ages and groups, and ensure that they receive adequate education in early childhood.

5- Gender Equality: This goal aims to put an end to gender discrimination, empower women in all fields, including education, health, and work, and listen to them and take their views.

6- Clean Water And Sanitation: This goal aims to ensure access to water for all at the lowest cost and to provide sanitation and hygiene services.

7- Affordable And Clean Energy: This goal aims to ensure that everyone has access to modern energy at the lowest cost, improve energy efficiency and improve the level of technology.

8- Decent Work And Economic Growth: This goal aims to provide decent work opportunities for all, maintain economic growth, raise the level of economic productivity and reduce unemployment.

9- Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure: This goal aims to establish a good infrastructure, support the development of technology, and promote scientific research.

10- Reducing Inequalities: This goal aims to enable the political, cultural, and economic integration of all and ensure equal opportunities.

11- Sustainable Cities And Communities: This goal aims to provide basic services and safe housing at the lowest cost for all.

12- Responsible Consumption And Production: This goal aims to reduce the individual’s consumption of waste and educate people about the importance of sustainable development and achieving environmentally sound management.

13- Climate Action: This objective aims to address climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries, improve education and educate people about adaptation to different climates.

14- Life Below Water: This goal aims to reduce marine pollution in all seas and oceans, manage marine ecosystems and regulate fishing.

15- Life OLand: This goal aims to regulate the ecology of the wild, combat desertification, and establish laws to limit illegal fishing.

16- Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions: This goal aims to achieve justice, end violence, exploitation, and human trafficking, protect all, reduce corruption and bribery, and strengthen the rule of law.

17- Partnerships For The Goal: This goal aims to develop technology, strengthen the multilateral trading system, assist developing countries and enhance exports to them.

(United Nations, n.d.).


- United Nations. (n.d.) Sustainable Development Goals.Available at:[Accessed 21 October 2022.]

VectorStock. (n.d.) Sustainable development global goals corporate vector imageAvailable at: [Accessed 26 October 2022].


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