Post 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development

An Introduction To Sustainable Development:

-According to Sachs (2015) “Sustainable development is a central concept for our age. It is both a way of understanding the world and a method for solving global problems. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will guide the world’s economic diplomacy in the coming generation.”






(TEC Ambiente, n.d.)

The three pillars of Sustainable Development:

-The three pillars of sustainable development consist of economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

1-Starting with economic sustainability, one of the main goals of sustainable development is to maintain strong and steady rates of economic growth. It is not a choice to stop economic growth. Sustainable development, however, entails more than just economic expansion. Along with quantity, quality of growth is important. (Doane and MacGillivray, 2001).

2-Moving on to our second pillar, Environmental Sustainability itself, aims to increase human well-being by safeguarding the raw material sources utilized to meet human needs and making sure that the sinks for human waste are not overfilled to prevent harm to humans. (Goodland, 1995).

3-Third, we have social sustainability. It is a framework for intercultural relations that values and protects the positive qualities of many cultures while also encouraging and supporting cultural integration where it is desired by both people and groups. (McKenzie, 2004).


Practices of Sustainable Development:

-Practices you can do to achieve a sustainable development goal could include:

1- Avoid the use of plastic bags.
2- Planting trees for the environment.
3- Recycling items.
4- Avoid wasting food.
5- Less electricity, more natural light.
6- Plant gardens.
7- Avoid wasting water.

-Sachs, J. (2015) The Age of Sustainable Development. 1st ed. Columbia University Press.
-Goodland, R. (1995) The Concept of Environmental Sustainability. Vol.26, pp, 1-24.
-Doane, D. and MacGillivray, A. (2001) Economic Sustainability: The business of staying in business. Sigma: The Sigma Project.
-Mckenzie, S. (2004) Social sustainability: Towards some Definition. Vol.1 (27). pp, 1-31.
-TEC Ambiente. (n.d.) Sustainability
Policy – TEC AmbienteAvailable


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